University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria (Symposium: Trust and Artificial Intelligence), Steyr, Austria, June 2023, What is trust and how does it emerge in the brain?
University of Graz, Graz, Austria, February 2023, Human–dog relationships as a working framework for exploring human-robot affiliation
University of Mannheim, Mannheim, Germany, February 2023, Human–dog relationships as a working framework for exploring human-robot affiliation
Galileo’s Science Café, George Mason University, January 2023, Human–dog relationships as a working framework for exploring human-robot affiliation
Deception Research Society, Virtual Meeting, December 2022, Neural mechanisms of deliberate dishonesty: Dissociating deliberation from other control processes during dishonest behaviors
Flinn Hill School Fairfax, Virtual Meeting, November 2022, Human–dog relationships as a working framework for exploring human-robot affiliation
Annual International Conference on BICA, Guadalajara, Mexico, September 2022, Human–dog relationships as a working framework for exploring human-robot affiliation
Trust & Influence Program Review, Arlington, VA, USA, September 2022, A neuro-psycho-ergonomic framework for studying long-term bonding between humans and Autonomy
Conference of the International Society for Research on Emotion, Los Angeles, USA July 2022, Neuropsychological mechanisms of human-robot attachment using human-dog relationships as a working framework
NeuroIS (14th meeting), Vienna, Austria, June 2022, The neurobiology of Trust: Benefits and Challenges for NeuroIS (Keynote)
Galileo’s Science Café, George Mason University, February 201, The neuroscience of trust
Eleventh Annual Meeting of the BICA Society, Virtual Meeting, November 2020, A neuro-psycho-ergonomic framework for studying long-term bonding between humans and autonomy
Flinn Hill School Fairfax, Virtual Meeting, November 2020, Toward a model of interpersonal trust
School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health Systems, Drexel University, Virtual Meeting, October 2020, Insights from task-based and task-free fMRI
School of Systems Biology, George Mason University, Virtual Meeting, September 2020, To Trust or Not to Trust: A systems social neuroscience perspective on social trust
AFOSR Annual Trust and Influence Portfolio Review, Virtual Meeting, August 2020, A neuro-psycho-ergonomic framework for studying long-term bonding between humans and autonomy
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at George Mason University, Virtual Meeting, July 2020, Toward a Model of Interpersonal Trust
Virtual Workshop on Security and Human Behavior, University of Cambridge, UK, June 2020, Towards a model of trust drawn from neuroscience, psychology, and economics: Implications for trust in a digital world
International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (10th), Washington Hilton, USA, July 2019, The neuropsychological model of long-term bonding between humans and autonomy
Shenzhen Institute of Neuroscience, Shenzhen University, China, June 2019, The Emerging Neuroscience of Social Punishment: Meta-Analytic Evidence
Department of Psychology, Hangzhou Normal University, China, June 2019, The Emerging Neuroscience of Social Punishment: Meta-Analytic Evidence
School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health Systems, Drexel University, USA, December 2018, Toward a model of interpersonal trust drawn from neuroscience, psychology, and economics
School of Computing and Information, Florida International University, USA, September 2018, Toward a model of interpersonal trust drawn from neuroscience, psychology, and economics
Department of Economics, University of Zurich, Switzerland, September 2018, Towards a neuropsychological framework of interpersonal trust
European Society for Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, Leiden University, Leiden, July 2018, The Netherlands, The role of the anterior insula in norm compliance and enforcement: connectivity and coordinate-based meta-analyses
ABC Symposium Frontiers in Social Neuroscience, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2018, Towards a neuropsychological framework of trust
National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute), Moscow, Russia, June 2018, Towards a neuropsychological framework of trust
National Institute of Advanced Studies, Summer Workshop: National Programme for the Gifted and Talented, Bangalore, India, May 2018, The art of mentoring.
National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore, India, May 2018, Towards a neuropsychological framework of trust
DFG Research Unit PsychoEconomics, Hedicke's Terracotta, Konstanz, Germany, May 2018, Towards a neuropsychological framework of trust
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, USA, April 2018, The neurobiology of trust
George Mason University, Krasnow Institute for Advanced Study, Fairfax, VA, USA, December 2017, The role of the anterior insula in social norm compliance and enforcement: a coordinate-based meta-analysis
Hotel Baltschug Kempinski, Annual International Conference on Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures, Moscow, Russia, August 2017, The neurobiology of trust
Central Institute of Mental Health, Mannheim, Germany, June 2017, The role of the anterior insula in social norm compliance and enforcement: a coordinate-based meta-analysis
University of Antwerp, NeuroPsychoEconomics Conference, Antwerp, Belgium, June 2017, The role of the anterior insula in social norm compliance and enforcement: a coordinate-based meta-analysis
University of Trier, 43rd Meeting Psychology and Brain, Trier, Germany, June 2017, The role of the anterior insula in social norm compliance and enforcement: a coordinate-based meta-analysis
Beijing Normal University, State Key Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience and Learning, Beijing, China, November 2016, The emerging neuroscience of altruistic punishment: How the brain punishes social norm violations
Zhejiang University, The 5th International Conference on Neuroeconomics and Neuromanagement (ICNN), Neural Decision Making and Neural Operation Management, Hangzhou, China, November 2016, The emerging neuroscience of altruistic punishment: How the brain punishes social norm violations
AXA Headquarters, 1st International Neuroergonomics Conference, The brain at work and in everyday life, Paris, France, October 2016, Neural Signatures of advice utilization during human-machine agent interactions: functional magnetic resonance imaging and effective connectivity evidence
Leipzig University, 50. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Leipzig, Germany, September 2016, The emerging neuroscience of third-party punishment: How the brain punishes social norm violations
Pacifico Yokohama, 31st International Congress of Psychology, Yokohama, Japan, July 2016, Mortality salience attenuates in-group bias of costly punishment: a functional MRI investigation
Humboldt University Berlin, 42nd Meeting Psychology and Brain, Berlin, Germany, May 2016, Mortality salience attenuates in-group bias of costly punishment: a functional MRI investigation
D'Or Institute for Research and Education (IDOR), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, May 2016, Mortality salience attenuates in-group bias of costly punishment: a functional MRI investigation
New York University, 9th Annual Meeting of the Social & Affective Neuroscience Society, New York City, USA, April 2016, Mortality salience attenuates in-group bias of costly punishment: a functional MRI investigation
University of Mannheim, Research Group: Contextualized Decision Making, Mannheim Germany, March 2016, Mortality salience attenuates in-group bias of costly punishment: a functional MRI investigation
Ruprecht Karls University Heidelberg, 58th Conference of Experimental Psychologists, Heidelberg, Germany, March 2016, Mortality salience attenuates in-group bias of costly punishment: a functional MRI investigation
Central Institute of Mental Health, Mannheim, Germany, February 2016, Mortality salience attenuates the in-group bias of costly punishment: a functional MRI investigation
National Institute of Advanced Studies, Consciousness, Cognition and Culture: Implications for the 21st Century, Bangalore, India, December 2015, The emerging neuroscience of third-party punishment
University of Mannheim, School of Social Science, Mannheim, Germany, December 2015, Bestrafen oder nicht bestrafen, das ist hier die Frage: Neurowissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zur altruistischer Bestrafung von sozialen Normverletzungen
Ruprecht Karls University Heidelberg, Psychological Institute, Heidelberg, Germany, November 2015, The emerging neuroscience of third-party punishment: how the brain punishes social norm violations
Humboldt University Berlin, Department of Cognitive Psychology, Berlin, Germany, November 2015, The emerging neuroscience of altruistic punishment: how the brain punishes social norm violations
University of Koblenz-Landau, Institute of Psychology, Campus Koblenz, Germany, November 2015, Cognitive and neural signatures of altruistic punishment
University of Bonn, Center for Economics and Neuroscience, Bonn, Germany, October 2015, Diffusion of responsibility attenuates altruistic punishment: a functional MRI and effective connectivity study
University of Mannheim, Department of Clinical and Biological Psychology and Psychotherapy, Mannheim, Germany, October 2015, Diffusion of responsibility mediates altruistic punishment: an fMRI and effective connectivity study
University of Potsdam, 15th Meeting of the Social Psychology Section, Potsdam, Germany, September 2015, Diffusion of Responsibility Attenuates Altruistic Punishment: A functional MRI and Multivariate Granger Causality Mapping Study
Queensland Brain Institute, Australasian Social Neuroscience Meeting, Brisbane, Australia, June 2015, Diffusion of Responsibility Attenuates Altruistic Punishment: A functional MRI and Multivariate Granger Causality Mapping Study
National Institute of Advanced Studies, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India, December 2014, The Presence of Others and its Impact on Altruistic Punishment: A functional MRI and Multivariate Granger Causality Mapping Study
Centre for Neuroscience, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India, December 2014, The Presence of Others and its Impact on Altruistic Punishment: A functional MRI and Multivariate Granger Causality Mapping Study
George Mason University, Krasnow Institute for Advanced Study, Fairfax, VA, USA, August 2014, The bystander effect and altruistic punishment: A functional MRI and multivariate Granger causality mapping study
University of Mannheim, Department of Psychology, Mannheim, Germany, May 2014, The Bystander Effect and its Impact on Altruistic Punishment: A functional MRI and Multivariate Granger Causality Mapping Study
Central Institute of Mental Health, Mannheim, Germany, March 2014, To punish or not to punish, that is the question: Neural signatures of punishment for social norm violations
Humboldt University Berlin, Berlin School of Mind and Brain, Berlin, Germany, June 2013, Belief in free will and moral responsibility: A double-edged sword?
George Mason University, Krasnow Institute for Advanced Study, Fairfax, VA, USA, December 2012, Neural signatures of legal third-party punishment
George Mason University, Krasnow Institute for Advanced Study, Fairfax, VA, USA, December 2012, Third-party punishment of social norm violations: An fMRI investigation
Tsinghua University, Department of Psychology, Beijing, China, November 2012, Psychological and neural components of third-party punishment
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Psychology, Beijing, China, October 2012, Psychological and neural components of third-party punishment
Beijing Normal University, School of Brain & Cognitive Neuroscience, Beijing, China, October 2012, Psychological and neural components of third-party punishment
Auburn University, Department of Psychology, Auburn, AL, USA, October 2012, Psychological and neural components of legal third-party punishment
Humboldt University Berlin, Department of Cognitive Psychology, Berlin, Germany, February 2012, Neural signatures of legal third-party punishment
Charité University Hospital, Division of Mind and Brain Research, Berlin Germany, January 2012, Psychological and neural component of third-party punishment: lesion and fMRI evidence
George Mason University, Center of Excellence in Neuroergonomics, Technology, and Cognition, Fairfax, VA, November 2011, Trust: Oxytocin effects and genetic associations
Technical University Berlin, Department of Psychology and Ergonomics, Berlin, Germany, May 2011, Self-regulation of amygdala activation by means of fMRI Brain-Computer-Interface
Humboldt University Berlin, Department of Cognitive Psychology, Berlin, Germany, December 2010, The neural correlates of interpersonal trust
George Mason University, Center of Excellence in Neuroergonomics, Technology, and Cognition, Fairfax, VA, USA, September 2010, Neuroimaging of Human Trust
Humboldt University Berlin, Berlin School of Mind and Brain, Berlin, Germany, June 2010, Trust or Not to Trust, That is the Question: The neural correlates of interpersonal trust
Humboldt University Berlin, Department of Cognitive Psychology, Berlin, Germany, June 2010, Neuroanatomical architecture of arithmetics
George Mason University, Krasnow Institute for Advanced Study, Fairfax, VA, USA, December 2009, Effective connectivity of the multiplication network: A functional MRI and multivariate Granger causality mapping study
Hillside Family of Agencies, Rochester, NY, USA, October 2009, Developmental effects of aggressive behavior in male adolescents assessed with structural and functional brain imaging
George Mason University, Krasnow Institute for Advanced Study, Fairfax, VA, February 2009, An fMRI investigation into gender differences during social interaction
Vanderbilt University, Department of Psychology in the College Arts and Science, Nashville, TN, USA, January 2009, The medial prefrontal cortex mediates social event knowledge
University of Pittsburgh, Department of Psychiatry, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, November 2008, Effective connectivity of the multiplication network: A functional MRI and multivariate Granger causality mapping study
International Congress of Psychology (XXIX), Berlin, Germany, July 2008, Brain network for arithmetic as evaluated with functional magnetic resonance imaging and Granger causality mapping
Eberhardt Karls University Tuebingen, Centre for Integrative Neuroscience, Tuebingen, Germany, July 2008, Neural correlates of trust during social exchange
NINDS Grand Rounds Lecture, Bethesda, MD, USA, June 2008, Recovery of executive functions and emotional intelligence deficits following combat-related traumatic brain injury
Free University Berlin, Department of Educational Science and Psychology, Berlin, Germany, April 2008, Neural correlates of trust strategies during social interaction
Neural Information Processing Systems (21. Annual Conference), Whistler, Canada, December 2007, Structured event complexes in the human prefrontal cortex
Neural Systems of Social Behavior Conference (1st Annual Meeting), Austin, TX, USA, May 2007, Neural correlates of conditional and unconditional trust in two-person reciprocal exchange
Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, USA, Department of Computer Science, March 2007, Two neural systems for calculative and unconditional trust in two-person reciprocal exchange
Society for Neuroeconomics (4th Annual Meeting), Park City, UT, USA, September 2006, The neural basis of economic decision-making in two-players’ reciprocal trust games
Annual Meeting Human Brain Mapping (12th), Florence, Italy, June 2006, The neural basis of economic decision making in two-players' reciprocal trust games.